Summer 5 – Racing Report

The Jolly Sailor looked on the club’s website for the weather forecast for the race. It said 6 miles an hour gusting 25!!!!!!!!! The lake looked like a mill pond, surely they got it wrong again.  Over 20 sailors rigged their boats expecting to be just drifting around the lake.
Roger and his team set a challenging course which would test the sailors ability, with plenty of downwind legs but managed to leave out buoys 1 and 9.  Mark in his laser started on the port end of the line, hoping to get a good start but he really messed it up, the gap closed up and he was over the line, with a collision too. He lost before it had even started.  Karen, Chris and David had good starts and took an early lead.
There was the usual gaggle of Lasers at most of the marks with some shouting for water, but Karen made a flying start  led most of the way, only to be overtaken on the last leg by young Dave.
The wind was playing games it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Steve and Lynne in their 505 , were kept on their toes nearly capsizing to windward due to the wind suddenly switching on. 
The Jolly Sailor will have a word with Simon, he must stop laughing at other sailors whilst on the water!  He was laughing so much at Mike and Sally floundering in the bottom of their boat that he couldn’t decide whether to gybe or not, he didn’t see Tektona and collided with the biggest boat on the water. It took him about 5 mins to release himself from it.
Everyone agreed it was a glorious sail with sun, wind and a good course
David caught up with Karen and passed her on the last lap , its something to do with being in his zone. So the final postions were:
1st David     2nd Karen     3rd Chris.
Apologies for the late posting of this race report – the Olympics are very distracting!
Summer 5 – Racing Report

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